Dylan Thomas 1

Published: Tuesday 1st April 2014
  1. In which year was Dylan Thomas born?
  2. In which Welsh town was Dylan Thomas born?
  3. What was the middle name of Dylan Thomas?
  4. In which city did Dylan Thomas die in November 1953?
  5. Who did Dylan Thomas marry in 1937?
  6. What was the occupation of Dylan Thomas' father?
  7. On which newspaper did the young Dylan Thomas become a junior reporter in 1931?
  8. What was the name of the Swansea cafe where Dylan Thomas met with Bert Trick and others?
  9. Which of Dylan Thomas' poems in 1933 became the first to be published outside Wales?
  10. With which famous historian did Dylan Thomas spend time with in the Peak District in 1935?
  11. With whom did Dylan Thomas fight in 1936 for the love of Caitlin?
  12. Born in 1939, what was the name of Dylan Thomas' first son?
  13. In which Welsh seaside village did Dylan Thomas write much of his work?
  14. What was the title of the semi-autobiographical collection of short stories first published in 1940 by Dylan Thomas?
  15. At which New York hotel was Dylan Thomas taken ill on November 5th 1953?
  16. In which fictional village is the radio play "Under Milk Wood" set?
  17. In "Under Milk Wood", which character is obsessed with his music?
  18. First published in 1955, what was the title of the work describing the festive period of Dylan Thomas' youth?
  19. The poem "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night" is an example of a VILANELLE. How many lines does this poetic form normally have?
  20. Which ex-US President opened the Dylan Thomas Centre in Swansea in 1995?
Find the ANSWERS HEREDylan Thomas 1

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