Easier General Knowledge 145 - Answers

Published: Sunday 26th February 2023A free general knowledge quiz for those who don't like their quizzes too difficult.
  1. From which creature is pate de fois gras produced? Goose
  2. Who played Queen Elizabeth I in TV's "Blackadder II"? Miranda Richardson.
  3. Which country lies in the Pyrenees between Spain and France? Andorra
  4. Banquo was a character in which Shakespeare play? Macbeth.
  5. Which word can be a spot, a small burrowing animal or a unit in science? Mole
  6. Who was the only character to appear in every episode of long-running sit-com "The Last of the Summer Wine"? Norman Clegg (Cleggy).
  7. What is a period of play in a polo match called? A Chukka
  8. What name is given to the person who directs an orchestra using a baton? Conductor.
  9. In which year did the First World War end? (November 11th) 1918
  10. What is used to make a meringue? Egg (whites).
  11. What name is given to a male swan? A cob
  12. What was the name of Dick Turpin's horse? Black Bess
  13. The game of draughts is known as what in the USA? Checkers.
  14. How many strings does a Spanish guitar have? Six
  15. In which European capital are the Tivoli Gardens? Copenhagen
  16. A person who feels awkward in an unfamiliar situation is described as a fish out of what? Water.
  17. Which organisation has its headquarters at Langley, Virginia? CIA
  18. Which musical features the song "As Long As He Needs Me"? Oliver!
  19. In the movie "Finding Nemo", what type of fish is Nemo? Clown fish.
  20. What is the last letter of the Greek alphabet? Omega

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