Easier General Knowledge 147

Published: Saturday 22nd April 2023A free general knowledge quiz for those who don't like their quizzes too difficult.
  1. Tom Cruise played Charlie Babbitt in which 1988 movie?
  2. In British currency, how many pennies were there in a tanner?
  3. Which Scottish comedian was known as "The Big Yin"?
  4. What was the name of the train on TV's "In the Night Garden"?
  5. With which element does Hydrogen combine to form water?
  6. What are made by or repaired by a cobbler?
  7. The International Criminal court is based in which Northern European city?
  8. Who lead the Argonauts in search of the Golden Fleece?
  9. Bangkok is the capital of which Asian country?
  10. Who composed the opera "Tosca"?
  11. Toronto sits on the banks of which of the Great Lakes?
  12. What animal is said to be "Man's best friend"?
  13. Who followed Matt Smith in the role of TV's Dr. Who?
  14. What was the name of the flag flown by pirates?
  15. Who played Vera Duckworth in the TV soap "Coronation Street"?
  16. Who performed the theme song for the James Bond film, Moonraker?
  17. In the Mr Men books, what colour is Mr Bounce?
  18. Who was the last wife of King Henry VIII?
  19. What is the name of the newspaper published by the Jehovah's Witnesses?
  20. How many player make up an Association Football team?
Find the ANSWERS HEREEasier General Knowledge 147

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