Easier General Knowledge 151 - Answers

Published: Thursday 10th August 2023A free general knowledge quiz for those who don't like their quizzes too difficult.
  1. By what name is Tsar Ivan IV of Russia better known? Ivan the Terrible.
  2. What animal features on the coat of arms of Berlin? Bear.
  3. What stately home was the location for the 1980's TV series "Brideshead Revisited"? Castle Howard
  4. Which US athlete in 1968 created a World record that stood for 23 years? Bob Beamon.
  5. What is the national flower of Wales? Daffodil.
  6. Of which Canadian province is Toronto the capital? Ontario.
  7. How many equal sides does an isosceles triangle have? Two,
  8. In which novel does James Bond first make an appearance? Casino Royale.
  9. In which English county is the Glastonbury music festival held? Somerset.
  10. Which county side play cricket at the SWALEC Stadium? Glamorgan.
  11. What was launched in 1923 as Australia's answer to Marmite? Vegemite.
  12. What is the National airline of Germany? Lufthansa.
  13. How many lines does a sonnet contain? Fourteen
  14. Which element's name come from the Greek for "Water Forming"? Hydrogen.
  15. By what name is Formosa now known? Taiwan
  16. Which US city is known as the "Big Easy"? New Orleans.
  17. "St. Michael" is the brand name of which UK store? Marks & Spencer.
  18. For which element is Sn the chemical symbol? Tin
  19. What was the name of the character played by Kylie Minogue in TV's "Neighbours"? Charleen Mitchell
  20. Which battle was fought on St Crispen's Day in 1415? Battle of Agincourt.

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