Easier General Knowledge 158 - Answers

Published: Wednesday 17th April 2024A free general knowledge quiz for those who don't like their quizzes too difficult.
  1. Who in 2000 became the youngest player to win golf's "Grand Slam"? Tiger Woods.
  2. In which English County would you find the towns of Grimsby, Scunthorpe & Skegness? Lincolnshire.
  3. What is contained in a black fire extinguisher? Carbon Dioxide(CO2).
  4. In which year of the Nineties did the sit-com "Friends" make its TV debut? 1994
  5. In which part of a plant does photosynthesis take place? Leaf.
  6. What is the key ingredient of a Mornay sauce? Cheese.
  7. Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh died in which year? (9th April) 2021.
  8. In which sport is it possible to win by a canvas? Rowing.
  9. What word links an ice cream holder and a brass instrument? A cornet.
  10. How many stomachs does a ruminant have? Four.
  11. What was the title of Stephen King's first novel? Carrie.
  12. Who was the third person on the Apollo 11 mission with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin? Michael Collins.
  13. What is the longest nerve in the human body? Sciatic Nerve.
  14. Which European country shares a land border with nine other countries? Germany.
  15. In "The Lord of the Rings" what relation is Frodo to Bilbo? Nephew.
  16. How many tiles does each player start with in a game of Scrabble? Seven.
  17. What two colours are mixed to make green? Yellow and Blue .
  18. In transport, what do the letters GWR stand for? Great Western Railway.
  19. Sheena Easton sang the theme song for which James Bond film? For Your Eyes Only.
  20. In which country does the River Rhine meet the sea? Netherlands.

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