Movies 1

Published: Tuesday 1st May 2012
  1. The son of which protest singer starred in the 1969 film "Alices Restaurant"?
  2. Which 1949 thriller provided the inspiration for the TV series "Dixon of Dock Green"?
  3. Who wrote the short story that the 2008 movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" was based upon?
  4. Who directed the "Death Wish" series of films?
  5. Which record breaker starred as Doctor Whos assistant in the 1965 film "Dr. Who and the Daleks"?
  6. In which city was "The Full Monty" set?
  7. What was the title of the 1993 movie where Bill Murrays character is forced to live the same days events over and over again?
  8. Released in 2008, what was the FOURTH movie in the Indiana Jones series?
  9. The film "The Last King of Scotland" was about which African dictator?
  10. Which 2004 movie mapped the journey across South America by a young Che Guevara?
  11. What was the name of the character played by Robert Englund in the "Nightmare on Elm Street" series?
  12. Who sang the title song for the Bond film "Octopussy"?
  13. Who played Ray Charles in the biopic "Ray"?
  14. What was the name of the SIXTH [and so far LAST] of the "Rocky" films?
  15. Which country singers story was filmed as "The Coalminers Daughter" in 1980?
  16. The film "Titanic" won ELEVEN Oscars but how many nominations did it receive?
  17. Who provided the voice of Jessica Rabbit in "Who Killed Roger Rabbit"?
  18. Which was the first film in the "Carry-On" series?
  19. Which was James Deans final movie?
  20. Which actor won the Best Actor Oscar in 2000 for his part in the movie "American Beauty"?
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