Charles Dickens 2

Published: Tuesday 3rd January 2012
  1. What is the occupation of Sydney Carton in "A Tale of Two Cities"?
  2. Who was Jacob Marley's partner?
  3. Who was the Headmaster of Dotheboys Hall?
  4. In which of Dickens novels do the following characters appear, [a] Uriah Heep, [b] Pecksniff, [c] Gradgrind, [d] Robin Toodle and [e] Mrs Bardell
  5. In "Oliver Twist" what was the Artful Dodger's real name?
  6. Who is the main character in "Great Expectations"?
  7. Which long running court case is at the heart of "Bleak House"?
  8. Who is found dead in the Thames in the opening chapters of "Our Mutual Friend"?
  9. Who is Mr Pickwick's valet in "Pickwick Papers"?
  10. What historical events form the background to "Barnaby Rudge"?
  11. Who lives at "The Old Curiosity Shop" at the beginning of the novel?
  12. Which of Dickens novels was subtitled "The Parish Boy's Progress"?
  13. In "A Tale of Two Cities" who uses knitting as a form of communication the names of people she will have killed?
  14. Where was Little Dorrit born?
  15. What was the occupation of Joe Gargery in "Great Expectations"?
  16. What was the fate of the following characters, [a] Bill Sikes (Oliver Twist), [b] Ham (David Copperfield), [c] Squeers (Nicholas Nickleby), [d] Compeyson (Great Expectations) and [e] Sydney Carton (A Tale of Two Cities)
  17. Of whom was it said "he'd make a lovely corpse"?
  18. Who is the main female character in "Bleak House"?
  19. In "Oliver Twist" who finally adopts Oliver?
  20. Who is the uncle of Edwin Drood that Dickens final novel centres on?
Find the ANSWERS HERECharles Dickens 2

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