Heroes and their Archenemies.

September 11th, 2024 by

Following on from the recent side-kicks quiz I have devised this “Archenemy” quiz in a similar vein. In this quiz I name the archenemy and you have to identify the hero from the list provided. As always you will find some of these very easy but others may prove a little trickier. Best of luck!!!



Animals in Fiction

August 22nd, 2024 by

Animals always play an intricate part in works of fiction, be it movies, books or TV, but can you remember their names? Some of these animals are pets whilst others are working animals and some are real animals wile others are legendary creatures. I think there is a good mixture here and you might need the help of your children for some of them!



Famous Puppets.

July 22nd, 2024 by

Can you name the famous puppets (either stringed or hand) that are in the following pictures? Some are fairly old while others are a little more modern. Good luck!!



Old Occupations.

June 4th, 2024 by

Have you ever wondered what a Alnager did in ancient times or a Catchpole or hankyman? Well, this quiz will give you a chance to find out.

I’ve listed 25 ancient occupations and given a choice of three different answers to what the person did, how many can you get correct.



Where will my luggage go?

May 6th, 2024 by

The 3 letter airport code or more correctly the IATA location identifier, are the three letters on your luggage label that should ensure it reaches the correct destination. Most are easily recognisable as they mirror the destination airport. For example JFK for J F Kennedy Airport New York or LHR for London Heathrow. However due to different naming conventions some codes are a little more obscure, try and see if you can correctly identify where your luggage will end up.



A is for Apple ; A Foodie Alphabet.

April 17th, 2024 by

Twenty-six clues, one for each letter of the alphabet, lead you to the name of a food or drink. As always some you should find easy while others may demand a little head scratching.Good luck!!



Easter Puzzle Sheet 2024

March 25th, 2024 by

A mixture of Dingbats, anagrams and a picture quiz make up this Easter puzzle sheet that should occupy the family for a short while over the holiday period.




February 28th, 2024 by

Whether in literature, comic books or on TV or movies, every hero needs a sidekick or partner to help him through the day. The sidekick can be a help or hindrance or just some one to bounce ideas off, in some cases the sidekick is the real hero.

In this quiz I have listed 25 such sidekicks and you have to identify the hero to which they belong. Some are really easy but others might need a little head scratching. Enjoy.




African Nations Badges.

February 4th, 2024 by

With the African Cup of Nations reaching its final stages in the Ivory Coast, I thought it would be a good time to test your knowledge of the shirt badges of the various Nations. The quiz features the badges of twelve nations in total (with the names of the country removed),some which are relatively well known but with a few obscure ones thrown in. How well will you do?



TV Game Show Hosts

January 8th, 2024 by

Can you name the hosts of the following UK game shows from the show’s logos? In the case of shows that have had multiple hosts then I am looking for the original one. A mixture of old and new shows here may tax the brain a little. Good luck!


UK Game show hosts.         QUESTIONS.          ANSWERS.